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2017-2018 Trainings

SI Leadership Workshop

YSBC@CUHK – Hong Kong Jockey Club Youth Programme has organised four S.I. Leadership Workshops in October – November 2017 for CUHK students and alumni who are interested in social entrepreneurship. The first three workshops invited five guest speakers, including Dr. Chow Sung-Ming, Dr. Tse Ka-Kui, Mr. Freddy Law, Mr. Yu Tsuen-Kweun and Dr. Luk Tak-Chuen, who discussed different social issues, project design methods, theories of social enterprise/business, and management skills.

Dr. Chow Sung-Ming discussed “Social Innovation in Hong Kong: Social Issues and Exploration of Social Economic Models”, Dr. Tse Ka-Kui and Mr. Freddy Law discussed “Maximizing Benefits with Minimum Resources: Lean Startup” and Mr. Yu Tsuen-Kweun and Dr. Luk Tak-Chuen discussed “Global Vision of Social Innovation – Sharing of Global and Regional Experience”. The last workshop “Social ‘ImaginAction’ – Brainstorming Workshop” served as a platform for participants to brainstorm their first steps in social entrepreneurship.

Social Innovation in Hong Kong: Social Issues and Exploration of Social Economic Models on 11th Oct, 2017 by Dr. Chow Sung-Ming


Global Vision of Social Innovation – Sharing of Global and Regional Experience on 8th Nov, 2017 by Mr. Yu Tsuen-Kweun and Dr. Luk Tak-Chuen


Maximizing Benefits with Minimum Resources: Lean Startup on 23rd Oct, 2017 by Dr. Tse Ka-Kui and Mr. Freddy Law


Social “ImaginAction” – Brainstorming Workshop on 22nd Nov, 2017

YSBC@CUHK – Hong Kong Jockey Club Youth Programme has organised five S.I. Leadership Workshops in January to May for CUHK students and alumni who are interested in social entrepreneurship. Five guest speakers were invited, including Prof. Andrew Chan, Ms Elsie Tsui, Prof. Wong Hung, the team of Education for Good and Dr. Yuen Yiu Kai, Terence, who discussed different social issues, project design methods, theories of social enterprise/business, and management skills.

Prof. Andrew Chan discussed “Business Plan”, Ms Elsie Tsui discussed “Design Thinking”, Prof. Wong Hung discussed “Reflection on the cause of poverty”, the team of Education for Good discussed “Lean Canvas” and Dr. Yuen Yiu Kai Terence discussed “Social Impact Assessment”.

Business Plan on 22nd January, 2018 by Prof. Andrew Chan


Reflection on the cause of poverty on 12th February, 2018 by Prof. Wong Hung

Design Thinking on 5th February, 2018 by Ms. Elsie Tsui


Lean Canvas on the 3rd March, 2018 by the team of Education for Good

Lean Canvas on the 3rd March, 2018 by the team of Education for Good

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